In this introductory course you will learn from Arram Kong's 22 years experience in the Energy Healing Field. This powerful course enables you to support yourself from your Negative patterns. You will understand how to cope with the Negative side of you and turn it into positive within a very short time. It has been tried & tested over thousands of hours during sessions. You now have a peep into the blue print to live a hassle free existence.
    The pyramid has been a sacred shape for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egypt, where Egyptians believed it represented the descending rays of the sun. They believed pyramids were powerful for spiritual initiation and symbolized man’s inner quest. The pyramid’s power is considered to have supernatural or paranormal properties. This is a step by step system to help anyone learn Pyramid Energy Healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. This course will give you a deep understanding of how to harness Pyramid energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to make and use Pyramids for self use and using for your clients of family/friends  with step by step action guides . Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire and educate you ---- in my own unique style. Pyramid Energy is breathtaking , ancient, supernatural and  WORKS. We all have this extraordinary healing potential - and at this CRAZY time on earth, it is essential that we tap into this life giving energy and use it for the betterment of humanity. If you have done Reiki, Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing or any other Energy Healing  and want to take your practice deeper, this is a perfect compliment that will deepen your understanding and give you a more creative approach to heal your clients. I invite you in to this course which I have slaved and prayed and blazed over.
      Ready to start the journey of sharing your Healing Gifts with the world but your not sure where to begin or how to get started? Manifesting your purpose as a Healer can feel overwhelming , confusing and fearful . There are so many thoughts and concerns that can be holding you back such as: → Is it worth me pursuing this? → I am not ready or good enough yet → It is safe for me to put myself put there? → I will never be able to earn money from this. → I fear people will judge me or I will be humiliated During this 3 part training you will be supported by Melissa Habibi, Soul Healer and Spiritual Purpose coach , who has over 10 years of experience of creating and developing a Healing & Spiritual business. You will be supported to OVERCOME your fears and doubts of becoming a Healer and Manifesting your Spiritual business so that you can BREAK THROUGH any stuckness and stagnation and start creating rapid progress in manifesting your Healing Gifts, Spiritual Offerings and Soul-aligned Business! In this training you will be supported to... → Refine your Soul’s Destiny, Vibration & Impact And become fully aligned to the Universe, empower your role as a Healer and utilise your gifts to create powerful impact in the world → Step into your DIVINE POWER and manifest your Divine Essence and Spiritual gifts into physical form → Manifest your Spiritual Business and get started with simple tools, systems and mindset for offering your healing/coaching services
        Empaths Should Not Have To Experience Crippling Emotions. Being a deep feeler is a profound gift, not a problem to be solved. It's time for deep feelers to use their untapped innate abilities and transform crippling emotions into enlivened experiences. Empaths have the tools within them but often don't realize it. Often, the only thing missing is an easy to use emotional guidance system that puts the feeler in control instead of the emotions themselves. With this simple, yet extraordinarily powerful system, empaths can be free to live a life of deep feeling, love, care, and belonging – without the crippling fears that make daily experiences feel terrible. Imagine staying centred in peace regardless of the environmental energy... Welcome to... The Way Of Energy Alchemy - Energy Healing through the Sacred Elementals Energy Alchemy is a process – a lifestyle, if you will – that helps to transmute experiences and emotions into fulfilling expressions of mind, body & spirit. The following are some experiences that Energy Alchemy is designed to help clarify and transcend: Be told, feel or assume you're 'too sensitive'? Troubled by heavy thoughts from yourself or others? Confusion over your own or others energy sometimes? Get involved in the emotional dramas of others? Have trouble saying ‘no’ when you should? Forget to have clear emotional boundaries? Want to help those in need but don't always know how? Experience a hard time staying centered and calm during social with others around? Time to Feel Life's Miraculous Magic We don't tell you what to do, think, feel, or say. Instead, we get you in touch with your Self-guiding system which knows all of that anyway. What we will do is help guide you through fundamental principles that you can use anytime, anywhere. The Way of Energy Alchemy encourages and fosters: Presence of emotional and mental clarity. Detachment from negativity (ie. and an on switch for peacefulness). Becoming a positive influence on others (being an invisible, yet potent, beacon of truth & light). Feeling emotions with 99% clarity, without the confusion of others in the vicinity. Developing control and mindfulness over seemingly out of control situations. Expressing authenticity and empathy without being caught up in the moment. Finding good people who can feel as deeply as you do. Availability for others, but staying grounded in your own needs. Having a deep sense of care for the world, but being innocently carefree (reclaiming the inner child, as an adult). Remembering that we are living in heaven right now. Energy Alchemy develops the ability to shield from negative emotions while holding positive ones at the same time. This comes with a strong sense of positive (and humble) self-confidence. As empowered empaths we can sense energy clearly, moment to moment. Through channelling healing energies we can feel lighthearted and at peace throughout all life's endeavours. Whether you feel hopeful about the current state of spirituality or not, nurturing positive energy through Energy Alchemy will strengthen your world view...
          In this 21-day healing course you'll be guided to work through 21 different issues that are holding you back from living an authentic, free, fulfilling life. Each module focuses on a singular issue so you can isolate that issue within yourself, acknowledge it and become aware of where it stems from, and then work to heal it. Featuring video modules, daily journal templates, assignments, and more, this hands-on course will be your energy healing guide for the next 21-days so you can work through fear, doubts, limiting self-beliefs, and more in a productive and loving manner. At the end of this course, you can expect to feel freer, lighter, and more in touch with your empowered self!
            This course will provide a definition and examples of energy; how we experience multiple exchanges of energy everyday in every part of your life. It's important that we all have an understanding of how we affect it and it affects us. We will also discuss the impact that we can have on other people and how our energy is reflected upon others. Of course we can’t help but discuss energy without discussing Energy Vampires. What are they? Well join me and find out. Following the energy discussion we will transition into energy healing. What is it? How does it help? What types of tools do energy healers use? In addition, this class will specifically discuss identify and define Aura's, the importance of Balance and Chakras or the ABC’s of Energy. These may be words you have heard ether inside or outside your circles but don’t really have a solid understanding of what they are and how they interact within the body. I will explain each of the ABC’s and provide an example of how they interact that you can relate to in your everyday life. During the “Balance” lecture I walk you through a grounding exercise that you can use again when you feel “out of sorts”. In addition, it will provide an introduction to some of the many healing modalities used and resources to begin your investigative journey. I have covered 6 of the major modalities that are available across most parts of the country. This will give you a jump start into investigating your own potential healing career or simply peak your interests. Toward the end of the course, I have provided some websites as reference regarding these covered modalities for you to do further research if you desire. There are several lectures separated into various topics so you can proceed at your own pace. The entire course should be approximately 35 minutes. At the end of the class, be sure to take the quiz to test your knowledge of the topics discussed.
              MORE Awesome techniques to add to your repertoire to give you greater possibilities for self awareness and healing. From Arram's 22 years experiences he has designed it to make you want to probe more within yourself to KNOW THY SELF BETTER. You are given more tools, explanations, different points of views of the same topic so that you can live the life you choose and not being tied down to the consensus of the majority. In short THINK OUT OF THE BOX. Be a leader, not a follower. Design the life of your choice. Arram founded "Arram Kong Healing Academy". This  course  is aimed at those who desire to live a  Stressless and Emotional  FREE existence . You will find these techniques simple to follow. For the seasoned therapist, there are techniques in the course you have never come across before and will be useful as  additional tools for your practice. This powerful course is designed to allow you to have a  stress free, joyous, peaceful and abundant  life. It allows you a greater understanding to what the purpose of life is. These simple powerful techniques created by Arram  are to serve you in every area of your life. Arram's easy to learn modules include: How to think differently and access information from your Higher Self What to do when you get triggered Challenges of Relationships Why Manifestations seldom works. Learning to live in the present MOMENT. The past and future are illusions How to systemically resolve all past traumas that have been holding us prisoners Nobody can upset you except you. What dreams , soul contracts means Every word carries frequencies and you are taught to catch yourself and  change into a positive word All videos are live session, you get to see how Arram work.
                This is a certified course from Heal Eterniti to train your mind through one word, phrases, numbers and combined mental techniques to make a tool that can manifest your heart's desires, learn and utilize the  easiest, powerful and quick manifesting tool of modern times, certificate provided at the end of the training program.